LAPSO has a set of devices and programs that allow for the programming of experimental tasks, the collection of different types of data, namely behavioral (e.g. reading times, image categorization), eye recording and recording of psychophysiological measurements (e.g. skin conductance, electroencephalography) and data processing and analysis.
Software for programming experimental tasks
Collection equipment
- 20 desktop computers + 4 portable computers
- 2 E-Prime Response Boxes (serial input – 9 pins))
- 6 Response Pads RB-834
- 2 Microphones
- Headphones
- 2 Webcams
- 1 Digital Camera
- MP150 Research Systems
- ECG Electrodes (LEAD110 series electrodes)
- EMG Electrodes (Ag-AgCI 4mm shielded electrode)
- EDA Finger Transducer (TSD203 – Two Ag-AgCl, non-polarizable electrodes)
- TSD201 respiration transducer
- Portable BIOPAC – BioNodadix Wireless Wearable Physiology System [BioNomadix Wireless ECG and RSP Transmitter; BioNomadix Wireless PPG and EDA Transmitter]
- Eye-tracker – EyeLink Portable Duo
- 2 actiCAP slim electrodes (32 electrodes)
- 4 elastic caps actiCAP (3 sizes)
- actiCHamp Plus (up to 64 EEG channels + 8 external channels)
- 2 Q-sensor 2.0 Wristband Affectiva
Processing and Analysis Software
LAPSO’s testotheque is available to students at all levels of education (bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral), ECSH lecturers and CIS-Iscte researchers. It has a diverse inventory of teaching materials and tests for cognitive assessment, intelligence and other aptitudes, learning and development, human resources and vocational interests, personality, psychopathology, neuropsychology and intervention programs. It is a support structure for teaching and research, and its operation is governed by regulations that ensure compliance with the ethical and deontological rules of the Code of Ethics of the Portuguese Psychologists’ Association, regarding the use and study of psychological tests.
The Video Library & Multimedia Material area, an integral resource of the laboratory with a collection of video cassettes, DVDs and CDs, aims to support scientific and teaching activities by providing scientific video and multimedia material for teaching activities.

Inventory – Scales and Stimuli norms
LAPSO has an inventory of normative studies for the Portuguese population for scales in different domains, such as personality, behavior, education, relationships and mental health, as well as stimuli for presentation in experimental tasks, including photographs, images, sounds and words. All the studies in this inventory were developed by ECSH lecturers and CIS-Iscte researchers.
CADERNO DE laboratório
First volume: May, 2024 Caderno de Laboratório VOLUME I LAPSO 2024